Cascade - Chipita Park, CO
Cascade-Chipita Park is a census-designated place (CDP) in El Paso County, Colorado. It is part of the Colorado Springs, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area. Listed below are some points of interest for Cascade-Chipita Park. The area is home to the Cascade-Chipita Park Museum and Art Center. Also located in El Paso County, Cascade-Chipita Park has many things to offer its residents and visitors.
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Households in Cascade-Chipita Park, CO have a median annual income of $47,569. This is lower than the national average of $65,712, although it still falls below the national average. The median age of households in Cascade-Chipita Park is 42.5 years old, making it an older-adult neighborhood than most cities in the state. Cascade-Chipita Park, CO residents are more likely to have a health insurance plan than a person living in most cities. Moreover, Cascade-Chipita Park, CO is a very affordable place to live, with rents averaging only $984 per month, which is much lower than the state's average.
The crime rate per resident in Cascade-Chipita Park is lower than the national average. The crime rate per 1,000 people is slightly higher in the park areas of Cascade-Chipita Park, CO. However, residents shouldn't be alarmed, since crimes tend to occur in areas with low populations. The low population means that Cascade-Chipita Park is not dangerous to people living in nearby neighborhoods.
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There are a few popular points of interest in Cascade-Chipita Park, CO. The area is home to many animals and is a popular place to visit. There are also many parks and outdoor recreation areas. However, the population is slowly declining, with the last census in 2020 at about half of its previous level. For more information, visit our Cascade-Chipita Park, CO page.
The median house value of Cascade-Chipita Park, CO is $382,368. The US median is $376,276, and Cascade-Chipita Park, CO has a slightly lower median than the national average of $479,156. The median home value is a good indicator of a neighborhood's quality. However, you may want to compare your Cascade-Chipita Park, CO home value to the national average in order to determine which neighborhood is best for you.
If you want to explore Cascade-Chipita Park, Colorado, consider RVing. Renting an RV allows you to customize your trip to your needs. You can stay longer in a favorite spot if you prefer, or move on if you're feeling antsy. You can also easily make detours to see different areas. RVing is the perfect way to travel with kids as they tend to like a routine.
Chipita Park is nestled in the shadow of Pike's Peak, which is 14,110 feet high and is affectionately known as America's Mountain. Several attractions in the area revolve around Pike's Peak. Hiking trails, high altitude mountaineering courses, and visitor centers are found here. You can also visit the Pike's Peak Research Laboratory in Catamount, located near Crystal Falls. The area is also home to scenic picnic spots near Gazebo Lake. Cascade-Chipita Park is home to the Glen Aspen Ranch Boy Scout Camp, located at 11050 Loy Creek Rd, Woodland Park, CO 80863. Southeast of the boy scout camp is Mountain Framescape, located at 11690 Rampart Range Rd, Woodland Park, CO 80863. To get to Mountain Framescape from the boy scout camp, head south on Loy Creek Rd toward Rampart Range. Turn right onto Rampart Range and the destination will be on your right. South of Mountain Framescape is the Rampart Reservoir, located at 306 Forest Rd, Cascade, CO 80809. To get to the reservoir from Mountain Framescape, head southwest on Rampart Range Rd and turn left onto 306 Forest Rd. The destination will be on your left. Southwest of the reservoir is the Rocky Top Motel & Campground, located at 10090 US-24, Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819. Southeast of the campground is the RTP Trailhead, located at 9385 Mountain Rd, Cascade, CO 80809. To get the RTP Trailhead from the campground, head southeast on W Hwy 24 to Chipita Park Rd. Take Picabo Rd to Mountain Rd and the destination will be on your left. Southeast of the trail head is the North Pole Colorado Santa's Workshop, located at 5050 Pikes Peak Hwy, Cascade, CO 80809. To get to Santa's Workshop from the trailhead, follow Picabo Rd to Chipita Park Rd and turn right onto Chipita Park Rd. Take a hard right onto Pikes Peak Hwy and the destination will be on your left. East of Santa's Workshop is HVAC Solutions, located at 655 Elkton Dr Ste 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80907. To get to HVAC Solutions from Santa's Workshop, follow Pikes Peak Hwy and Fountain Ave to US-24 E. Turn right onto US-24 E. Continue onto S 31st St and turn right onto W Fontanero St. Continue onto Fontanero Rd and W Fillmore St. Turn left onto Centennial Blvd and turn right onto Garden of the Gods Rd. Turn left onto Forge Rd and the destination will be on your right.
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Households in Cascade-Chipita Park, CO have a median annual income of $47,569. This is lower than the national average of $65,712, although it still falls below the national average. The median age of households in Cascade-Chipita Park is 42.5 years old, making it an older-adult neighborhood than most cities in the state. Cascade-Chipita Park, CO residents are more likely to have a health insurance plan than a person living in most cities. Moreover, Cascade-Chipita Park, CO is a very affordable place to live, with rents averaging only $984 per month, which is much lower than the state's average.
The crime rate per resident in Cascade-Chipita Park is lower than the national average. The crime rate per 1,000 people is slightly higher in the park areas of Cascade-Chipita Park, CO. However, residents shouldn't be alarmed, since crimes tend to occur in areas with low populations. The low population means that Cascade-Chipita Park is not dangerous to people living in nearby neighborhoods.
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There are a few popular points of interest in Cascade-Chipita Park, CO. The area is home to many animals and is a popular place to visit. There are also many parks and outdoor recreation areas. However, the population is slowly declining, with the last census in 2020 at about half of its previous level. For more information, visit our Cascade-Chipita Park, CO page.
The median house value of Cascade-Chipita Park, CO is $382,368. The US median is $376,276, and Cascade-Chipita Park, CO has a slightly lower median than the national average of $479,156. The median home value is a good indicator of a neighborhood's quality. However, you may want to compare your Cascade-Chipita Park, CO home value to the national average in order to determine which neighborhood is best for you.
If you want to explore Cascade-Chipita Park, Colorado, consider RVing. Renting an RV allows you to customize your trip to your needs. You can stay longer in a favorite spot if you prefer, or move on if you're feeling antsy. You can also easily make detours to see different areas. RVing is the perfect way to travel with kids as they tend to like a routine.
Chipita Park is nestled in the shadow of Pike's Peak, which is 14,110 feet high and is affectionately known as America's Mountain. Several attractions in the area revolve around Pike's Peak. Hiking trails, high altitude mountaineering courses, and visitor centers are found here. You can also visit the Pike's Peak Research Laboratory in Catamount, located near Crystal Falls. The area is also home to scenic picnic spots near Gazebo Lake. Cascade-Chipita Park is home to the Glen Aspen Ranch Boy Scout Camp, located at 11050 Loy Creek Rd, Woodland Park, CO 80863. Southeast of the boy scout camp is Mountain Framescape, located at 11690 Rampart Range Rd, Woodland Park, CO 80863. To get to Mountain Framescape from the boy scout camp, head south on Loy Creek Rd toward Rampart Range. Turn right onto Rampart Range and the destination will be on your right. South of Mountain Framescape is the Rampart Reservoir, located at 306 Forest Rd, Cascade, CO 80809. To get to the reservoir from Mountain Framescape, head southwest on Rampart Range Rd and turn left onto 306 Forest Rd. The destination will be on your left. Southwest of the reservoir is the Rocky Top Motel & Campground, located at 10090 US-24, Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819. Southeast of the campground is the RTP Trailhead, located at 9385 Mountain Rd, Cascade, CO 80809. To get the RTP Trailhead from the campground, head southeast on W Hwy 24 to Chipita Park Rd. Take Picabo Rd to Mountain Rd and the destination will be on your left. Southeast of the trail head is the North Pole Colorado Santa's Workshop, located at 5050 Pikes Peak Hwy, Cascade, CO 80809. To get to Santa's Workshop from the trailhead, follow Picabo Rd to Chipita Park Rd and turn right onto Chipita Park Rd. Take a hard right onto Pikes Peak Hwy and the destination will be on your left. East of Santa's Workshop is HVAC Solutions, located at 655 Elkton Dr Ste 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80907. To get to HVAC Solutions from Santa's Workshop, follow Pikes Peak Hwy and Fountain Ave to US-24 E. Turn right onto US-24 E. Continue onto S 31st St and turn right onto W Fontanero St. Continue onto Fontanero Rd and W Fillmore St. Turn left onto Centennial Blvd and turn right onto Garden of the Gods Rd. Turn left onto Forge Rd and the destination will be on your right.